The Blackburn Lake Sanctuary is a premium bushland reserve towards the headwaters of KooyoogKoot. It is a protected habitat for plants and animals as well as an educational and recreational resource for the community. It is regarded as one of the most important bird refuges within metropolitan Melbourne.
Although Blackburn Lake itself was man-made in Victorian times for farming and recreational purposes, the sanctuary includes high quality indigenous remnant bushland, extensive walking-tracks, an impressive children’s playground, wetlands and an informative Visitor Centre.

It is an important “living reference” to the natural and cultural history of the district. Schools and the general community enjoy excellent learning opportunities through the Sanctuary’s highly respected Environment Education Program.
Blackburn Lake Sanctuary Advisory Committee
The Blackburn Lake Sanctuary Advisory Committee (BLSAC) is the relevant friends’ group.
Current projects and activities include:
- Monitoring the sanctuary providing liaison between the community and authorities with an emphasis on the environment and education.
- Regular nature events such as bird surveys, wildflower walks, wildlife talks and other community education.
- Monthly Saturday working bees. These focus on maintenance of existing sites in collaboration with Melbourne Water, Whitehorse Council and its contractors.
- Administration and maintenance of the Visitors Centre – its facilities and exhibits.
- Monitoring water quality and the litter problem in the lake.
Web-site: http://blackburnlakesanctuary.org/
E-mail: Blackburn Lake Sanctuary