The KooyongKoot Alliance is a member of the Gardiners Creek (KooyongKoot) Regional Collaboration (GCRC) representing our member Friends groups amd community interests. This page outlines the status of our work within the GCRC.
The KooyongKoot Alliance has been a key element in the creation and shaping of the GCRC. The Collaboration is a of a diverse group of organisations that aims to protect and enhance the catchment for the benefit of future generations. It is made up of the following organisations that have all signed a Memorandum of Understanding:

The GCRC is dedicated to ensuring we do not lose what makes the KooyongKoot catchment special, as a space rich in biodiversity that brings people together in a range of environmental, community, cultural, social and recreational activities. We have collectively worked to produce a prospectus for the group and the Collaboration was officially launched in April 2023 for the group. Generous funding from the Victorian Government helped fund the establishment of the role of the KooyongKoot Catchment Keeper and allowed the KKA to contribute to the funding of the development of the Gardiners Creek/KooyongKoot Strategic Plan.
The Launch

A GCRC prospectus has been developed and was officially launched on 4th April, 2023. The prospectus describes:
- The need for collaboration between the various Councils, water authorities and other stakeholders.
- GCRC vision, objectives and member organisations – which includes the KKA representing the community and Friends groups.
- Proposed key projects and programs.
It highlights :
- KooyongKoot and its catchment is protected, valued and loved, supporting diverse uses and thriving biodiversity.
- As custodians of our natural environment, Traditional Owners have a key role in its management.
- Community and all stakeholders are working together to heal, strengthen and ensure the resilience of KooyongKoot and its catchment.
You can download the prospectus here (11MB).
Key Programs and Projects
The GCRC vision and objectives will be delivered through key programs and projects. Below is a list that the Collaboration plans to focus in in the immediate future:

Strategic Plan
The Regional Collaboration is now at the stage of looking for funding to create and carry out a strategic plan for KooyongKoot/Gardiners Creek. The first stage is to develop the scope of the plan – the importance of having a well-documented brief and scope for the strategic plan to attract funding and best outcome for the river has been keenly discussed by our committee. The KKA committee feels more needs to be done and that issuing an Expression of Interest (EoI) should be a priority. We thank Charlotte Sterrett (Yarra River Keeper Association) and Judith Sise (Field Naturalists Club of Victoria) who have both given valuable input to the project.
Another key priority is to appoint a successor to Matthew Kirwan in his role as Gardiners Creek Collaboration Lead. His term is expiring soon. The KKA congratulates and thanks Matthew for the great service he has given to the collaboration.
Data Strategy
The KKA is also very active in the Data Strategy Working Group through our Frank Giorlando. The objective is to produce a Data Strategy and associated data collection program for readily sharing data held by partners. Potential data sources and types of data have been identified.
The Working Group is seeking significant funding for an initial pilot to identify key challenges, followed by core baseline data collection and the development of a longer-term data strategy, including data aggregation and a presentation platform.