Development of the KKA Web-site (this web-site) is advanced. The KKA engaged GreenAnt Networks Pty Ltd to create the technical infrastructure for the web-site and to provide its initial hosting. The site utilizes the WordPress Content Management System.

Coordination of the bulk of the web-site’s content is a volunteer project led by John McMahon (a KKA Committee member). John is a retired IT contractor who has built web-sites for the Blackburn Creeklands and the WCIPP Bungalook (indigenous plant) Nursery amongst others.
The initial focus of the KKA web-site is a map of KooyongKoot/Gardiners Creek catchment with a brief description and links to Friend’s groups web pages. If a Friends group does not have a web page, more information can be incorporated on the KKA web page. Each Friend’s group has editorial control over the information the KKA web-site displays. Other pages describe the KKA, volunteering, our major projects and various resources about the catchment of interest to the members and community.
Funding for the project has been provided by the Suburban Rail Loop Authority through its Suburban Rail Loop Community Projects Fund.
The funding enabled the engagement of GreenAnt Networks Pty Ltd for provision of the technical infrastructure for the web-site and initial hosting.