We are the KooyongKoot Alliance (KKA) – an alliance of over 20 Friends Groups working along the Gardiners Creek (KooyongKoot) catchment in Melbourne, Australia. “KooyongKoot” is the first nation’s name for Gardiners Creek in the Woi Wurrung language.
Our focus is the entire catchment – not just the streams. The catchment is a significant tributary of the Yarra River (Birrarung) and covers an area of over 100 square kilometers. More on the geography of the catchment is available here.
Generous funding from the Victorian Government helped fund the establishment of the KooyongKoot Catchment Keeper (KKCK) and allowed the KKA to contribute to the funding of the development of the Gardiners Creek/KooyongKoot Strategic Plan.
The KKCK is a very important role within the KKA. The KKCK is the spokesperson for all aspects of KooyongKoot and works closely with the three levels of government and the community to raise awareness and support. The KKCK acts as a voice for the creek and its biodiversity and also advocates for a strategic plan that involves all the major stakeholders, such as governments, landowners, businesses, educational institutions and the catchment community. Graham Ross was engaged in the role beginning 1st December, 2022. Graham has a background in conservation and land management.
The Vision

Our vision is:
Communities working together to heal KooyongKoot, its waterways, land, and ecosystem.
We aim to shed light on the importance of Gardiners Creek, not just as a tributary of the Yarra River, but also as a key piece of green infrastructure in the east of Melbourne offering multiple benefits to both community and the environment.
The Goal
To come together with other key stakeholders to act as a catalyst in the development of a Strategic Plan for the entire KooyongKoot Catchment. We aim to help bridge boundaries and break down barriers. We aim to overcome the current lack of holistic strategic planning to manage the Creek for future generations. We aim to resolve it quickly and positively for the benefit of all.
We will inject a sense of urgency into achieving this vision.
The purposes of the KKA are to:
- Establish a management plan for KooyongKoot with guiding principles.
- Improve water quality and water management along KooyongKoot.
- Have a continuous wildlife corridor along Gardiners creek.
- Recognise that the traditional owners have a key role in the management of KooyongKoot.
Policies & Position Statements
The KKA has a number of policies covering financial and governance matters in addition to covering how member groups should run events under the KKA banner. These are available here.
In addition, the KKA has documented several Position Statements which specify KKA’s views relating to various environmental issues. They are listed here.
The KooyongKoot Alliance sprung into life during the depths of the 2020 Covid-19 winter. It started as a Zoom meeting with Friends Groups from the Gardiners Creek (KooyongKoot) catchment, leaders from other Yarra River tributary catchments and the Yarra Riverkeeper (KooyongKoot is a tributary of the Yarra). It ended with a common bond to work together for the betterment of the KooyongKoot.
We are now 20 Friends and Advisory Groups strong and are working collectively to act as the voice for the creek.
By working together, the Alliance has a strong, independent and influential voice.
Current Organisational Status
We are independent and incorporated as KooyongKoot Alliance Inc. and are a not-for-profit, registered charity with the ACNC.
We are a founding member of the Gardiners Creek (KooyongKoot) Regional Collaboration. The GCRC collaboration is an alliance of organisations and groups working together to protect and enhance the Gardiners Creek catchment.