Scotchmans Creek is a tributary of KooyongKoot. Valley Reserve is part of the catchment for Scotchmans Creek (via its own creek called Valley Creek).
Valley Conservation Reserve exists primarily as a conservation bushland reserve with a focus on preserving and enhancing its precious remnant vegetation. It covers the Valley Creek catchment.

Valley Conservation Reserve is a 15ha bushland reserve in Mount Waverley off Waimarie Drive. Valley Creek joins Scotchmans Creek to the south.
Friends of Scotchmans Creek and Valley Reserve
The Friends of Scotchmans Creek and Valley Reserve is the relevant friends’ group. The group consists of local residents who volunteer to help maintain and enhance the Valley Conservation Reserve and reserves along Scotchmans Creek nearby. They have been active since 1999, working in cooperation with the Monash City Council and Melbourne Water.
A major activity is a revegetation program undertaken in cooperation with the Monash City Council Horticultural Section. We also help maintain and improve Valley Conservation Reserve by holding a regular Work Party once a month.
Current projects and activities include:
- Monthly working bees.
- Waterwatch activities monitoring creek health.
- Education for school groups.
- Special events eg for National Tree Day and Clean Up Australia Day.
For more information:
- Web-site: https://scotchmanscreekfriends.org.au/
- E-mail: Scotchmans Creek and Valley Reserve