Our third Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday 13th November, 2024 was a very well attended and successful event – dealing with changes to the KKA Rules to meet Tax Office requirements to hold DGR status, appointments to office bearer positions and as ordinary Committee members, as well as a very interesting and thought-provoking presentation from Dr Dimity Williams – along with the more mundane processes required at AGMs.

Our President, Rex, and KooyongKoot Creek Keeper, Graham, reviewed our progress over the past year.
There were many positives including the breadth of our membership, our relationships with the Urban Guerrillas (thanks to Sam Russell), our successful projects to date, major new projects underway at the Gardiners Creek Reserve, Blackburn Lake with significant projects at the Glen Iris and Tooronga wetlands to follow.

Firstly, there is the potential for shortfalls in our funding for next year. Local Government funding has been very disappointing in general though bare funding for the strategic plan has been obtained. Current funding of the Creek Keeper’s role for 2 days per week from the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation expires in January. The Alliance has applied for a further grant and is hopeful of being able to continue the relationship and the vitally important work of our Creek Keeper.
Secondly, our Treasurer, Gillian, has had to step aside for the time being due to a health issue. Gillian was commended particularly for the excellent work she did in updating and readying our financial platform for the challenges ahead.
The full text of Graham’s report is available here.
Graham noted that a newsletter is being planned for the new year to improve communications within the alliance. Graham also encouraged member groups to add more on the information on their groups on the web site – including projects and any resources or tips they might have to share. [Please contact john_mcmahon@kka.org.au to arrange].
DGR Status
An organisation that obtains Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status from the Tax Office can receive tax deductible gifts. Many corporate donors and charitable Trusts have policies that require potential recipients to have DGR status – obviously, so that they receive a tax benefit for their largesse.
So, the KKA obtaining DGR status should open up many more options for donations from Trusts and the corporate sector. The Tax Office requires that organisations wanting DGR status must have specific provisions in their rules eg to specify how funds would be disbursed in the event of liquidation. This has to be done in an approved way to prevent abuses.
In the AGM, members approved the rule changes required for this purpose. Hopefully, these changes will enable new funding to address the looming shortfalls.
Election of Office Bearers
With one exception, our existing Office Bearers were reappointed to their existing roles. This provides excellent stability and continuity for the organisation and we thank Rex, Pam and Frank for continuing to volunteer their services for 2024/25. Sadly, no nomination for the role of Treasurer was received. We ask that all members use their networks to try to propose a suitable qualified person to fill this very important role.
Sam and Graham were appointed as ordinary committee members.
Guest Speaker – Dimity Williams

Dr Dimity Williams is an activist, family doctor and nature lover who has spent most of her life in the KooyongKoot catchment – firstly, as a child in Blackburn and later in life, in Ashburton and Glen Iris as a family doctor.
She spoke to a very receptive and interested audience on the theme of how we should best relate to nature.
No wonder her book, Nature, Our Medicine: How the natural world sustains us, exploring the topic in further detail sold like hot cakes after her presentation !