This page summarizes current, future and completed projects/programs together with links to further information where applicable.
Current Major Projects
Our current projects underway are:
Markham Reserve – revegetating the reserve in Ashburton under the auspices of the Planting Trees for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Program.
Gardiners Creek Reserve – major revegetation project (latest stage): Biodiversity Corridor Revegetation Project.
Active participation in the Gardiners Creek (KooyongKoot) Regional Collaboration – representing the community and Friends Groups in collaboration with the various Councils, water authorities and other stakeholders along the creek. Our highest priorities are development of the Strategic Plan and initial planning for the future Data Strategy implementations.
Ongoing Programs
New Friends Groups Progam

A key objective for the KKA is to support and nurture both existing and new Friends and Advisory Groups – as well as implementing projects and rolling out programs. Friends Groups are the lifeblood of the Alliance and they, in turn, are key to helping restore biodiversity to the creek and its catchment.
From time to time, the KKA will assist new groups to get going. Please visit this page for a list of new Friends groups we have helped to get started.
Clean Up Australia Day
- KKA has held three Clean Up Australia Day (CUAD) events on the banks of Gardiners Creek and many other groups joined in – including the Yarra River Keeper, three local Scouting Groups, the Australian Conservation Society, local Friends Groups and local Councillors.
- The ongoing event is a wonderful opportunity to pass on information regarding pollution and how we can all work together to lessen its impacts. There are also a number of individual residents who personally undertake litter collection from the surrounding catchment and near the creek.
- Many other Friends and Advisory Groups hold like events. We also recently engaged with a team from Yarra Valley Water as part of their volunteering day to clean up a section of Gardiners Creek and plant indigenous plants along its banks. Some of our member groups have participated in their own projects and programs. For example, at the Blackburn Lake Sanctuary, a Litter Action Project was initiated to discover how communities and volunteers concerned about litter in their local waterways, and the impact on wildlife, can embark on a mission to tackle litter at its source.
- Events such as these connect us to the public but also connect the public to the creek and in doing so start the process of learning about the complexities and wonders it offers.
Revegetating Nature Strips

- KKA has formed an alliance with the Rovers Group from 1st Glen Iris Scouts to revegetate local nature strips in Boroondara and is working closely with Balwyn Rotary. These spaces make up 30% of public open space in Melbourne and, if done thoughtfully, can act as important pollinator pathways for insects.
- They are also a great way to engage with members of the public. A number of nature strips are in the process of being transformed (chemical free) with a target of 10 to be completed this year. A grant application has been lodged with Boroondara Council for $3,000 for the project. One of our first clients is Tim Entwisle – the Director of the Botanical Gardens.
- Other groups, such as Rewilding Stonnington, are also very active in this space.
Advocacy/education Talks and Events
- The funding of part time role of KooyongKoot Creek Keeper has given us the opportunity to speak with many organisations to share with them some of our learnings and keep them abreast of this legacy project.
- To date, talks have been given to a large number of Rotary Groups, Stonnington Environmental champions, Scouting Groups and numerous one on one presentations to politicians from all political parties. We have also attended and presented at public events and forums to promote the Creek, its potential and the groups that work along it.
Future Projects
Future projects include:
- Under the Regional Collaboration, active participation in development of a Data Strategy and associated data collection program. An initial pilot would identify key challenges, followed by core baseline data collection and the development of a longer-term data strategy, including data aggregation and a presentation platform.
- Litter: KKA is continuing to investigate the installation of a Litter Trap on the higher reaches of the creek so as to complement the Yarra River traps in the city by reducing the litter load in the combined system. There is potential for more data to be collected to build on that obtained by the Blackburn Lake Sanctuary Litter Action Project.
Completed Projects
Web-Site Project
Our new web-site was switched over into “live” mode on the morning of Friday, 30th June, 2023 on time and on budget.
The KooyongKoot Alliance thanks its development partner, GreenAnt Networks for its excellent work getting us up and running. We also thank our members and friends who contributed to our web-site’s content – also essential for our success. Funding assistance for the project came from the Suburban Rail Loop Authority’s Community Projects Fund.

Gardiners Creek Reserve Revegetation Project

The Gardiners Creek Reserve Revegetation Project was delivered through a grant obtained from the Suburban Rail Loop Community Projects Fund by the KooyongKoot Alliance. Working with the Urban Guerrillas, City of Whitehorse, Deakin University and Friends of Gardiners Creek Reserve.
The team delivered a 3000 m2 revegetation site adjacent to the Creek and in the end planted over 4000 plants, a large number of which were sourced from KKA members Bungalook Nursery and Greenlink Nursery. These were planted over 7 organised events with diverse organisations such as the Australian Conservation Foundation, Deakin Enviro Team, Gardiners Creek Park Run team and many others.
The Urban Guerrillas continue to care for the site to ensure it establishes.
This will provide important habitat offering some protection against disturbance for small birds such as Scrub Wrens, Eastern Spinebills and other beneficial fauna such as Blue Tongue Lizards which are still found in the reserve.